FaaD Background

The Foundation for Actions against Aids and Sustainable Community Development-FAAD is a vibrant young female-led and youth-led organization dedicated to advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) from a feminist perspective.

Established in 2015, FAAD recognizes the importance of cantering feminist principles and intersectional approaches in promoting SRHR for all young people. FAAD committed to improving the health and well-being of vulnerable populations, with a strong focus on addressing

nutrition, food security for HIV-positive individuals, and climate change mitigation and adaptation challenges. Through sustainable projects and strategic partnerships, the organization aims to

enhance nutrition access, promote climate-resilient food systems, and strengthen health systems' capacity to cope with climate-related health risks, fostering resilient and healthier communities.


To promote gender equality and social justice within the SRHR framework.

To empower young women and marginalized youth to exercise their sexual and reproductive rights.

To challenge patriarchal structures and norms that limit SRHR access and decision-making power.

To promote climate-resilient food systems and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the agriculture sector.

To strengthen health systems' capacity to address climate-related health risks and build community resilience.


To advocate for and ensure the SRHR of young women and marginalized youth through feminist approaches. We aim to create an inclusive, equitable, and rights-based environment that respects and upholds the autonomy and agency of all individuals.

To advancing climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts to build resilient communities and protect the environment for future generations.


To dismantle oppressive systems and transform social norms, leading to a society that values and respects the SRHR of all individuals.

To A world where communities are empowered to mitigate and adapt to climate change, fostering sustainable development and ensuring the well-being of people.

At the end of the day

we want to achieve the follwoing objectives

Enhance access to SRHR services, including contraception, safe abortion, comprehensive sexuality education, and HIV/AIDS prevention and care, for young women and marginalized youth.
Challenge and disrupt gender stereotypes, patriarchal norms, and discriminatory practices that perpetuate gender-based violence and restrict SRHR rights.
Promote feminist leadership and youth participation in decision-making processes, ensuring that young people's voices are heard and valued.
Advocate for policy and legal reforms that protect and advance SRHR, particularly focusing on issues of gender equality and social justice.
Support smallholder farmers in adopting climate-smart agricultural practices, such as agroforestry and organic farming.
Facilitate knowledge exchange and capacity-building initiatives for sustainable land and water management.
Enhance productivity, environmental sustainability, and the resilience of local communities to climate-related challenges.
Develop and implement early warning systems for extreme weather events to enhance preparedness and response capabilities.
Support the construction of climate-resilient healthcare infrastructure.
Integrate climate change considerations into public health policies and emergency response plans to protect vulnerable populations from climate-related diseases and disasters.